
jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

hi! friends. Now i want to share other interesting video. it is about Months of the year! see you! :)
ok! I was surfing the web and found this video and i said: This goes for the blog! so I want to share with you ... the topic is the weather.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

ReAl lIfE...LeArNiNg EnGlIsH eAsiLy!

OK! This is the First Exercise that I want to share with You! Remember this information come from http://www.funnylessons.com/, I You preffer you can visit it! (:...I hope You enjoy it!

A 90-year old man said to his doctor, "I've never felt better. I have an 18-year old bride who is pregnant with my child. What do you think of that?"

The doctor replied, "I have an elderly friend who is a hunter and never misses a season. One day he was in a hurry and picked up his umbrella instead of his shotgun by mistake. When he got to the creek, he saw a beaver. He raised his umbrella and went "bang, bang, bang", and the beaver fell over dead. What do you think of that?"

The 90-year old said, "I'd say somebody else shot the beaver".

The doctor said, "My point exactly".


beaver (bíiver) - Beaver
better (béter) - mejor
bride (bráid) - novia
child (cháild) - niño
creek (kríik) - arroyito
dead (ded) - muerto
doctor (dóktor) - doctor
else (élse) - más
exactly (igsáktli) - exactamente
friend (frénd) - amigo
hunter (jánter) - cazador
instead (instéd) - en cambio
life (láif) - vida

man (man) - hombre
mistake (mistéik) - error
never (never) - nunca
old (óuld) - viejo
point (póint) - punto
pregnant (prégnant) - embarazada
replied (ripláid) - contestado
season (síson) - temporada
shot (shot) - tiro
shotgun (shótgan) - escopeta
somebody (sámbadi) - alguien
somebody else (sámbadi éls) - otra persona
umbrella (ambréla) - paraguas

Also, in the official Web site there are some verbs and sentences about this Topic!
: )

A gOOD StRaTeGy!!!

I have found a Page curious to learn English Language...
If You want to know more information about it, You can visit it... Is www.funnylessons.com!! I recommend it because is other form to adquire more knowledge about this Language.

But if You preffer I am going to repost it in my Blog! [=

The Importance of Learning English

The importance of learning English cannot be overstated in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world. For the millions of immigrants that come to the United States from non-English-speaking countries every year, learning to communicate in English is important to enter and ultimately succeed in mainstream America. Working knowledge of the English language can create many opportunities in international markets and regions.
  1. International Language

    • English is the fourth most widely spoken native language in the world, and in terms of sheer number of speakers, it is the most spoken official language in the world. It is the primary language used in international affairs. The English language has official status even in nations where it is not the primary spoken language. English is indisputably the primary language of global trade and commerce. In many countries, most tourism authorities and other officials in contact with the public speak English to interact and engage with tourists and immigrants.

    Digital Age

    • While progress has been made in language-translation software and allied technologies, the primary language of the ubiquitous and all-influential World Wide Web is English. English is typically the language of latest-version applications and programs and new freeware, shareware, peer-to-peer, social media networks and websites. Software manuals, hardware-installation guides and product fact sheets of popular consumer electronics and entertainment devices usually are available in English first before being made available in other languages.

    Higher Learning

    • In universities and colleges in Great Britain, the Unites States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, which attract the most number of international students, the primary language of instruction is English. Most of the top business schools, medical centers and advanced-study institutes are located in North America and Great Britain, and English is the language used in every activity at these institutions of higher learning. Most peer-to-peer journals and technical periodicals that give international acclaim to scientists, engineers, technologists, and technocrats are printed in English.

    Anglo-Saxon Influence

    • The influence of the United States and Great Britain on political affairs and international relations for the past 100 years has ensured the proliferation and acceptance of English as the primary spoken language in many countries. The widespread acceptance of American pop culture also has contributed to the primacy of the English language. A working knowledge of English is important for diplomats and high-ranking officials in such major countries as Germany, Japan, France, South Korea, Brazil, Italy, and Russia so they can better understand the nuance and craft of global affairs and international diplomacy.

    Job Opportunities

    • Knowing English opens job and employment opportunities in many countries and markets. Multilateral institutions and agencies in the four United Nation cities of New York, Vienna, The Hague and Geneva recruit professionals with multilingual skills but also expect the candidates to have good English-speaking skills. The Commonwealth of Nations, made up of 50-plus countries that were former British colonies or dependencies, also offers numerous employment opportunities to those who understand and communicate in English.

Read more: The Importance of Learning English | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5249789_importance-learning-english.html#ixzz1YiVisSMG

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

We aLwAyS HaVe a UnCoNdItIoNaL FrIeNd... =]

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

As You got up this morning, I watched you and hoped you would talk to me, even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me for something good that happened in your life yesterday but I noticed you were to busy trying to find the right outfit to put on and wear to work or class. I waited again. When you ran around the house or dorm getting ready I knew there would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one point you had to wait fifteen minutes w/ nothing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the latest gossip. I watched as you went to school and work and I waited patiently all day long. With all your activities, I guess you were too busy all day to say anything to me. I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed to talk to me, that is why you didn't bow your head. You glanced three or four tables over and you noticed some of your friends talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't. That's okay. There is still more time left, and I have hope that you will talk to me even yet.

You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done, you turned on the TV or the net; I don't know if I like TV or computers or not, just about anything goes there & you spend a lot of time each day in front of them, not thinking about anything-just enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you watched TV and ate your meal but again you didn't talk to me. At bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said goodnight to your family you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time. That's okay because you may not realize that I am always there for you. I've got patience, more than you will ever know. I even want to teach you how to be patient with others as well. Because I love you so much, a long time ago I left a wonderful place called Heaven and came to Earth. I gave it up so that I could be ridiculed and made fun of. and I even died so you wouldn't have to take my place. I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, praise or thought or a thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have a one-sided conversation. Well you are getting up again and once again I will wait with nothing but love for you hoping that today you will give me some time. Have a nice day!

Love Always, Your Friend,

A gOOd aNd sHoRt sToRy !! : )

A Good Lesson

A young man, a student in one of our universities, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the students' friend, from his kindness to those who waited on his instructions. As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day's work.

The student turned to the professor, saying: "Let us play the man a trick: we will hide his shoes, and conceal ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them."

"My young friend," answered the professor, "we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor. But you are rich, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the discovery affects him."

The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something hard, he stooped down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance. He gazed upon the coin, turned it round, and looked at it again and again. He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin. His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread, whom the timely bounty, from some unknown hand, would save from perishing.

The student stood there deeply affected, and his eyes filled with tears. "Now," said the professor, "are you not much better pleased than if you had played your intended trick?"

The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the truth of those words, which I never understood before: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

Author unknown, retold by Artin Tellalian